This comic-strip is syndicated by King Features Syndicate Inc. Check out Palurdeando strip on Comics Kingdom.
Palurdo is an adjective; it means "rustic and ignorant." Now, we turn this adjective into a verb and what do we get? Palurdeando, a comic strip where everything has a place. From the simplest joke to the harshest critique. And alth
This comic-strip is syndicated by King Features Syndicate Inc. Check out Palurdeando strip on Comics Kingdom.
Palurdo is an adjective; it means "rustic and ignorant." Now, we turn this adjective into a verb and what do we get? Palurdeando, a comic strip where everything has a place. From the simplest joke to the harshest critique. And although it has some recurring characters, such as Bernardino or Holy Pigeon & Little J, everything and everyone is welcome. So let's palurdeemos for a bit.
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Just an old bird, mad at life.
The Almighty and his pre-teen son.
Just the brain of the author of this strip, in its natural state.